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Grant schemes: Farming in Protected Landscapes

Grant schemes: Farming in Protected Landscapes

Charlotte Turner, of our Totnes Professional Services team, discusses key points of the FiPL grant.

The Farming in Protected Landscapes (FiPL) grant scheme is targeted specifically towards farmers and land managers within England’s National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs).  Because of its targeted nature, the programme is less well known compared to the Sustainable Farming Incentive and Countryside Stewardship schemes.  The FiPL programme can be used alongside these grant schemes and bridge any gaps in funding. 

The FiPL programme aims to provide funding for one-off projects which fulfil at least one of the programme’s 4 key principles:

- Support nature recovery
- Mitigate the impacts of climate change
- Provide opportunities for people to discover, enjoy and understand the landscape and its cultural heritage
- Protect or improve the quality and character of the place

Examples may include:

- Promoting connectivity between habitats
- Replacing stiles with gates on public footpaths, for easier access
- Conserving historic features on a farm, such as stone walls and traditional buildings, lime kilns or lead mining heritage
- Supporting a locally branded food initiative, promoting the links between the product and the landscape in which it is produced
- Reduce carbon emissions on a farm
- Gathering data and evidence to help inform conservation and farming practice

Farmers and land managers can submit applications any time up until the programme closes in March 2025 and applicants can receive up to 100% of funding for the cost of the project, as long as no commercial gain is made. 

For more information and to discuss grant schemes further, please contact Stags Professional Services department on 01884 235701