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Don't forget the Planning Basics

Major changes to the Planning System have been a ‘hot topic’ for the last few years, including the introduction of Permitted Development Rights for the conversion of agricultural buildings to dwellings. However, the core principles of the system should not be overlooked and this is actually where the potential for the greatest enhancement in value exists.

Whilst each Local Authority should have a Development Plan in place by which to judge how to make planning decisions, councils have struggled to keep these plans updated.  Therefore, the Government are increasing the pressure on authorities to ensure that these plans are revised to try and meet current and future needs. A key role of the Development Plan is to ensure that there is sufficient housing and employment land delivered within the Council area over the plan period. However, despite this need, without landowners coming forward to promote sites the Council will be unaware that their land is available for possible development and they will resort to preferring sites where owners have been more vocal.  

In addition, there may be opportunities to be explored at a local level and many Parish Councils are preparing Neighbourhood Plans and these are becoming ever more important in the planning system. Landowners face being left behind if they do not engage with their local community where such a plan is being prepared. Again, early involvement is the key.  

With both Development Plans and Neighbourhood Plans there are various windows of opportunity to be explored, some are longer term strategies whilst others may be more immediate and it will all depend on the particular circumstances of the site and the area in question. However, by doing nothing, you will not be able unlock any potential to increase land value which may exist. 

Alister King-Smith has just joined Stags to head up providing planning services as part of the professional services team, he has come from specialist planning consultants PCL Planning and with a background in the rural planning sector and more recent experience with large scale residential and commercial developments. Alister is well placed to advise on all planning matters. To see if we can help you, call Alister King-Smith on 01392 439046.

Do you have land that you believe has potential for development?

If so, contact Alister King-Smith for an appraisal.

Tel: 01392 439046
