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I need to perform repairs to my let property, but my tenant is self-isolating – what do I do?

I need to perform repairs to my let property, but my tenant is self-isolating – what do I do?

Anyone who is self-isolating is advised to avoid any visitors to their home. This will affect a landlord’s ability to inspect properties or organise repairs and maintenance.

In line with current guidance Stags have postponed all periodic property inspections. However, landlords will need to make a judgment on the urgency of any repair. Any repairs or maintenance that can be put on hold, should be.

Essential works such as the provision of water, light, heat and sanitation will still need to be addressed. If an urgent repair is identified, then access to the property is allowed with the permission of the tenant. Contractors must ensure they are not symptomatic and all guidelines reference social- distancing and hand washing must be followed.

Where access is not possible you should keep a record of all calls and correspondence with the tenant, documenting the reason why you could not carry out the repair, and ask the tenant to confirm in an email that are self-isolating.

For further advice regarding the management of your property call the Stags letting team.