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Positive Start for Standing Straw Sales

Positive Start for Standing Straw Sales

Following two years of reduced Standing Straw auction prices Stags Auctioneers have started this year on a much more positive note.

The first sale anywhere in the South West on behalf of Bremridge Farm, Crediton, held on 22nd June, saw more farmers attend the sale and resulted in higher prices.
Last year at the same sale 269 acres were offered but only 179 acres were sold with Winter Barley averaging £58 per acre and Winter Wheat averaging £40 per acre.
This year 380 acres were offered meeting 100% clearance, with Winter Barley averaging £65 per acre and Winter Wheat averaging £45 per acre.

So why the increase?

The long Winter has eaten up most farmers straw stocks and continued pressure on farm incomes means costs such as straw need to be cut. Two years of poor grain prices could have led to less crops being grown and an ever increasing amount of land being used to produce renewable energy means there is uncertainty in where ‘delivered in’ straw prices could end up next Winter, making the purchase now of standing straw a sensible choice.

Stags have a number of Standing Straw sales booked in with all details along with field maps on the website or contact Chris Clapham on 01769 572042